Thursday, March 08, 2012

Because It's Women's Month-Why It's More Fun Being A Woman

  1. it's perfectly fine to have a girl crush 
  2. makeup! (lipstick, mascara and concealer to cover big zits and other blemishes) 
  3. different hairstyles 
  4. we have an excuse to be snotty and mean (during that time of the month) 
  5. we can wear red nail polish and any color we want (other than black and colorless) 
  6. people are more tolerant with us for wearing thick foundation (espasol face) vs guys who wear funda 
  7. hair flip
  8. comfier mrt rides 
  9. flowers and chocolates 
  10. girls' stuff are relatively cheaper than men's 
  11. being offered a seat during commute 
  12. we don't have to deal with hair in the nose, back, and ears 
  13. going to the bathroom in groups (yey, girl talk!) 
  14. it's okay to buy and read gossip magazines
  15. more fashion choices
  16. we can wear men's clothes and look sexy in them
  17. high heels


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